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What are the wisdom teeth?


The wisdom teeth are the third molars that usually erupt between the ages of 18 and 24. Sometimes they never erupt or they may erupt only some of the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth or cords that do not erupt are the so-called included cordales, which can cause injuries or displacements in the surrounding teeth when trying to erupt and make a place in the mouth.

When we refer to wisdom teeth we talk about both the lower and the upper ones, but most of the difficulties refer to the lower wisdom teeth. The upper wisdom teeth do not usually cause so many problems, they are usually easier to remove and do not present many postoperative problems.

The extraction of the wisdom teeth is one of the most frequent surgical interventions in dentistry.


Wisdom teeth can cause problems such as:

  • Infection of the area where they are.

  • Damage and injuries to the neighboring teeth.

  • Dental malpositions.

These problems can only be solved by removing the wisdom teeth. For all this, it is advisable that you visit your trusted dentist and make a correct diagnosis about the extraction of the wisdom teeth.

Is the extraction of the wisdom teeth painful?

Depending on the degree of inclusion of the wisdom teeth, there may be more or less postoperative complications. They are complications that in a few days resolve without further problem following the postoperative guidelines indicated by your dentist.

Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed?


At Brisbane Dental, after having made an extraction of a wisdom tooth, we offer our patients an explanation with the post-operative instructions that they must follow, in order to minimize the possible complications arising from the extraction of the wisdom teeth.

The post-operative instructions after the removal of the wisdom teeth that must be followed are:

Bite a sterile gauze placed in the extraction area for about 30-60 minutes.

  • Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the cheek of the area where the extraction has been carried out for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day for the first 48 hours.

  • Do not spit or rinse your mouth for 24 hours, as the clot that is forming could come off and start bleeding again.

  • Eat soft foods at room temperature or cold through the area of the mouth that has not been operated on, once the effect of anesthesia has passed. Avoid eating hot foods.

  • For the first 24 hours, maintain a posture in which the head is higher than the body. When sleeping, lift the pillow and protect it with a towel so as not to stain it with blood.• After the first 24 hours, rinse with water and salt, or infusion of thyme or a chlorohexidine mouthwash. A chlorhexidine gel can also be applied to the area where the extraction has been carried out.

  • It is important to maintain proper hygiene of the mouth so that the wound caused after extraction is not infected.

  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol at least during the first week.

  • Take the medication prescribed by your dentist and if you have any questions about it, contact him.

  • If any problems or doubts arise during these first days, please contact your dentist.

At Brisbane dental we want to help you solve the problem of wisdom teeth before it goes further and can harm neighboring teeth


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At Brisbane Dental, after having made an extraction of a wisdom tooth, we offer our patients an explanation with the post-operative instructions that they must follow, in order to minimize the possible complications arising from the extraction of the wisdom teeth.

The post-operative instructions after the removal of the wisdom teeth that must be followed are:

Bite a sterile gauze placed in the extraction area for about 30-60 minutes.

  • Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the cheek of the area where the extraction has been carried out for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day for the first 48 hours.

  • Do not spit or rinse your mouth for 24 hours, as the clot that is forming could come off and start bleeding again.

  • Eat soft foods at room temperature or cold through the area of the mouth that has not been operated on, once the effect of anesthesia has passed. Avoid eating hot foods.

  • For the first 24 hours, maintain a posture in which the head is higher than the body. When sleeping, lift the pillow and protect it with a towel so as not to stain it with blood.• After the first 24 hours, rinse with water and salt, or infusion of thyme or a chlorohexidine mouthwash. A chlorhexidine gel can also be applied to the area where the extraction has been carried out.

  • It is important to maintain proper hygiene of the mouth so that the wound caused after extraction is not infected.

  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol at least during the first week.

  • Take the medication prescribed by your dentist and if you have any questions about it, contact him.

  • If any problems or doubts arise during these first days, please contact your dentist.

At Brisbane dental we want to help you solve the problem of wisdom teeth before it goes further and can harm neighboring teeth

Brisbane1_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

At Brisbane Dental, after having made an extraction of a wisdom tooth, we offer our patients an explanation with the post-operative instructions that they must follow, in order to minimize the possible complications arising from the extraction of the wisdom teeth.

The post-operative instructions after the removal of the wisdom teeth that must be followed are:

Bite a sterile gauze placed in the extraction area for about 30-60 minutes.

  • Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the cheek of the area where the extraction has been carried out for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day for the first 48 hours.

  • Do not spit or rinse your mouth for 24 hours, as the clot that is forming could come off and start bleeding again.

  • Eat soft foods at room temperature or cold through the area of the mouth that has not been operated on, once the effect of anesthesia has passed. Avoid eating hot foods.

  • For the first 24 hours, maintain a posture in which the head is higher than the body. When sleeping, lift the pillow and protect it with a towel so as not to stain it with blood.• After the first 24 hours, rinse with water and salt, or infusion of thyme or a chlorohexidine mouthwash. A chlorhexidine gel can also be applied to the area where the extraction has been carried out.

  • It is important to maintain proper hygiene of the mouth so that the wound caused after extraction is not infected.

  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol at least during the first week.

  • Take the medication prescribed by your dentist and if you have any questions about it, contact him.

  • If any problems or doubts arise during these first days, please contact your dentist.

At Brisbane dental we want to help you solve the problem of wisdom teeth before it goes further and can harm neighboring teeth

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