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Dental crowns stand as a cornerstone in the realm of aesthetic dentistry, offering structural support and rejuvenation to damaged or deteriorated teeth. These custom-made structures not only restore the steric shape of teeth but also reinforce their functionality.

Dental Crowns

teeth shade
  • Protection: Dental crowns offer robust protection to fragile or compromised teeth, enveloping them securely to prevent further damage.

  • Aesthetic Restoration: By mimicking the natural appearance of teeth, crowns seamlessly blend with the smile, restoring its steric beauty and enhancing overall aesthetics.

  • Functional Restoration: Restoring the functionality of teeth, crowns enable individuals to bite, chew, and speak with confidence and ease.

Benefits of Dental Crowns


Types of Traditional Crowns:



Pure Resin Crowns:

An economical option, pure resin crowns prioritize cost-effectiveness over aesthetics. While offering minimal support, they are susceptible to fractures and wear, making them less durable compared to porcelain or ceramic crowns.


Porcelain Crowns on Metal:

Striking a balance between metal and resin, porcelain crowns on metal combine the aesthetic benefits of porcelain with the durability of metal. The color can be customized to match natural teeth, though they may exhibit more wear compared to pure metal crowns.

Porcelain/Ceramic Crowns:

Renowned for their durability and natural aesthetics, porcelain or ceramic crowns deliver authentic results, making them ideal for individuals with metal allergies. They offer superior strength and longevity compared to alternative materials.



Temporary Dental Crowns:

Crafted onsite, temporary dental crowns serve as interim solutions until permanent crowns are obtained. Typically made of stainless steel or acrylic-based materials, these crowns offer temporary protection, especially for children awaiting the natural loss of baby teeth.

Dental crowns offer versatile solutions to restore both the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of teeth. Whether seeking durability, aesthetics, or affordability, there exists a crown type tailored to individual needs and preferences.

How does it work?

Utilizing advanced CAD and CAM programs, your dentist meticulously captures highly accurate impressions of your mouth, ensuring a perfect fit for your custom crown. Once your unique specifications are entered into the system, a 3D printer springs into action, crafting your personalized ceramic crown right before your eyes. At Dentakay, this remarkable process is completed in just 15 minutes. Afterward, your dentist takes an additional 15-20 minutes to cement your crown in place, leaving you with a flawless restoration in a single swift visit.

Step into the future of dental restoration with CEREC dental crowns – a cutting-edge technology revolutionizing the way ceramic crowns are obtained, all in a single day. Harnessing the power of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), this state-of-the-art technique offers unparalleled precision and efficiency, all within the confines of your dental clinic.

Discover the Revolutionary CEREC Dental Crowns


Benefits of CEREC Dental Crowns

  • Instant Installation: Experience the convenience of same-day ceramic crown placement, eliminating the need for multiple visits and lengthy waiting periods.

  • Natural Appearance: Enjoy a seamlessly blended restoration that mimics the appearance of your natural teeth, providing an aesthetically pleasing result.

  • Exceptional Durability: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use, CEREC crowns offer long-lasting durability, ensuring a reliable and functional solution for your dental needs. CEREC dental crowns offer a groundbreaking approach to dental restoration

Importan considerations

While CEREC crowns offer unparalleled convenience, it's essential to address any underlying dental infections before proceeding with treatment. Your dentist may need to postpone the procedure to ensure optimal oral health and successful results.

  • How long do dental crowns last?

    Dental crowns can last between 5 and 10 years, depending on the material. Zirconium and porcelain crowns are the most durable in general. But other options can also last a long time. Your compliance with the aftercare also determines how long your crowns can last. Be sure to brush and floss twice a day and avoid putting pressure on the dental crowns when consuming hard foods.


    Can dental crowns be replaced?

    Your dentist can easily replace a dental crown if it splinters or breaks. You can also replace a dental crown if you want to opt for a more suitable material. Many patients realize that a certain material is uncomfortable or decide to switch to a more modern option, and that is normal.

    Fortunately, dental crowns are easy to replace.

    What is the best material for dental crowns?

    The best dental crown material varies according to the position of the teeth. In general, zirconium crowns work better for the posterior teeth, since they can better withstand the pressure of chewing. For the front teeth, E-max crowns are the ideal option because they provide the results with the most natural appearance.

    Can dental crowns be bleached?

    Dental crowns cannot be whitened like natural teeth. This is because they do not have pores through which bleaching materials can enter and remove difficult stains. Therefore, it is impossible to whiten crowns or dental prostheses.

    That is why it is essential to avoid staining products and practicing good oral hygiene. Taking precautions is the best way to keep your dental crowns looking shiny over the years.

    Do the dental crowns fall out?

    It is very rare for dental crowns to fall off, but it is not impossible. In case your crown falls, you can keep it somewhere until you go to an appointment with your dentist. Don't try to put it back on yourself, your dentist will do it professionally and safely.

    Do everything possible to prevent this from happening. You can do it by avoiding chewing with your dental crown. This does not mean that you cannot chew with a dental crown, but it is preferable to distribute the load on the other teeth.

    When would you need a dental crown?

    You will need a dental crown if your natural crown is damaged. In other words, if the root of your tooth is still intact and the damage only affects the portion of the tooth above the gums, it is likely that your dentist will recommend dental crowns.

    Such damage can be the result of cavities or due to dental procedures, such as an endodontics. All this can wear out the structure of the crown and restorative treatments become a necessity.

    Can dental crowns cause health problems?

    Dental crowns are a generally safe treatment with very limited side effects. One of those health problems is an allergic reaction to the corona material. In this case, you must seek professional help immediately to remove the crown.

    Apart from this, dental crowns are harmless to oral health.

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